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Fine silver Kavacha Mantra Prayer Container on smokey quartz by Breathe Deep Designs

Smokey Quartz and Fine Silver Mantra Container Protection Necklace

  • Length: 23 or 27 inch Necklace, Mantra Container 1.5 inches
  • Stones & Materials: Fine silver protection container, Smokey Quartz gemstones, Pyrite, hematite and sterling silver findings 7 Lobster claps


Faceted oval smokey quartz shine bright in this medium length fine silver mantra container.  It's the perfect length for you to layer with. It falls lower than most v-necks on the upper chest at 23 inches.  If you want to get noticed, this is a great necklace with impact.  


Perfect to hold a prayer, or a message from the one who gave it to you and wear close to your heart. Use it to hold your prayer or mantra for that year. These prayer containers are reminiscent of the old antique ones found in India that are called kavach or Kavacha's and offer protection for the bearer from bad intentions.


One photo shows how you can wear them layered and another shows the three sizes of containers from the mini to the giant!


    Fine silver is 99.9 silver and is a higher silver content than sterling which is only 92.5. It is appreciated for its vibrant glow that is less shiny than sterling and needs very little management.  Use a silver polishing cloth only when needed.


    Prayer Containers are an ancient design element that has been worn in India, Nepal and Tibet.  This size is one that was more frequently worn many centuries ago and often a part of long intricate jewelry.  Beautiful to look at, but more importantly, it carried a sacred wish, prayer or message near the heart of the person who wore it. One side of the capsule twists off to hold your scrolled message or mantra. 

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